Customs inspects and regulates every shipment. Be proactive with these resources for shipping overseas or across borders. Also, keep up with the latest regulatory news and import and export alerts.
Learn what to expect before you ship. Get tips to help avoid a delay at the border.
Use FedEx International Broker Select® to connect with a pro. Or designate your own.
See the factors that impact global shipping rates and estimate charges.
Help reduce the chance of delays with FedEx® International Controlled Export (FICE).
From boxes and cushioning to more sustainable packaging, find shipping supplies that fit your needs. If you want a helping hand, use pack-and-ship services at select FedEx Office locations.
With our convenient retail network, it’s easy to find a drop off location near you. Choose from several stores, including FedEx Office, Walgreens, Dollar General, and select grocery locations.
Your customers depend on you to deliver quickly and reliably, even if they’re in a distant country. But that can be tricky—which is why we have the resources to meet even the most complex international needs.
Test your package before you ship
Help protect against the high cost of damage. Get expert testing from the FedEx Packaging Lab.
Export products with ease
Use our Export Road Map to help create a strategy for global growth. It has a checklist for quick reference.
Navigate the international trade process
Save time and money with WorldTariff®. Make informed decisions and improve operations..
Develop your shipping strategy
There’s a lot to consider when you’re shipping for your business. Our guide makes life easier.
Get rewarded for your shipping
With My FedEx Rewards, you can earn gift cards and merchandise from brand-name retailers.
Grow loyalty with easy returns
Explore return label options, and learn how to offer customers convenient drop off and pickup options.